Drop Off / Pick Up

Our district-provided buses are the preferred method for student drop-off and transportation home. Our parking lot is small, and dismissal can create long waits. We appreciate that all students who are able to ride the bus do so. All students within Scott Libby boundaries are eligible for transportation services. If you have questions regarding transportation, please call 623-535-6070 (main office) or 623-547-1577 (dispatch). https://www.lesd79.org/departments/transportation

For students on Open Enrollment and for families who need to drive students in vehicles for other reasons, please carefully read the following so students pick up and drop off are safe and efficient. Student, staff, and community member safety is my top priority. 

SLE AM Student Drop-Off

-Students will be directed by staff to their classroom and /or to the cafeteria to get breakfast.

-Staff will be out on campus to assist students with getting to their classrooms.

-Please do not park or exit the vehicle. Pull up to the furthest available slot.

-Please have students ready to exit, on the passenger's side if able, with water bottles, backpacks, etc.

-You don't need to wait for us to open the door. Students can exit as soon as the vehicle is safely stopped.

-We will utilize both traffic lanes in the parking lot with a merge point, if needed.

-All students will enter through the double gate that will be opened at 7:50 am.

Drop Off Map



SLE PM Dismissal

-All parents much remain in vehicles at pickup, thank you.

-Students will be dismissed with grade level teacher at cones when vehicle arrives.

-Please present the sign with your child's name and grade in the front right window of the vehicle (signs will be provided by teacher)

-Cars will enter off of Thomas (2 lanes) and merge into one lane at student pick up point (cones) to avoid traffic on Thomas Road. Cars will FLOW through parking lot and will be permitted to stop and wait. (Please see map for guidance).

For Heat Advisory Days and Rainy Days, we will keep the students inside while assigned staff outside radio for them to come out when you arrive. Please have your signs visible so we can speed up the process. Thanks!

If you need to pick up or drop off your child during school hours for appointments, please enter the office and sign your child in/out. For safety reasons, adults checking out students must be listed in Parent Vue and have a photo ID. Other than emergencies, please do not check students out after 2:40 pm as our office, staff, and parking lot are busy with dismissal. Thanks for your patience and understanding with this process.

Pick Up Map